Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"GPad" owned by Google, a prospective challenger iPad

Google seems to more serious produce various gadgets mainstay. After launching mobile Nexus One, this search engine giant is reportedly preparing tablet computer nicknamed 'gPad' which aims to hit Apple iPad.

According to media reports the New York Times, Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt did not intentionally speak so that in an internal party, he was leaking about the development of these tablets. Schmidt described Google as a tablet tablet reader who has a computing function.

Tablet itu hampir bisa dipastikan mengandalkan sistem operasi Android berikut layanan konten di Marketplace. Sedangkan untuk menyediakan ebook, kemungkinan akan memakai layanan Google Books.

Jika benar gPad diluncurkan ke pasaran, persaingan antara Apple dan Google bakal kian sengit. Sebelumnya, Google juga telah merilis ponsel Nexus One untuk menantang dominasi Apple iPhone.

Apple iPad success which has sold hundreds of thousands of units it makes the technology vendor-yack want to create similar products. Nokia and RIM, for example, its flagship tablet rumored to be released this year.


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